Auto Service in Vernon

Auto Services

Service your auto or motorcycle with Partly Dave's Garage

You want an excellent driving experience. Why expect less when it comes to servicing your vehicle? Partly Dave's Garage provides unmatched auto and motorcycle maintenance in Vernon.

We work on all brands and models.

If you're looking for a service that isn't listed above,
please give us a call 250.549.3666
or send us an email [email protected]

Don't forget to check out our Auto Repair section.

Oh, and did we mention we are exceptionally good at servicing German cars and motorcycles?

Audi Service Vernon
BMW Service Vernon
Mercedes Service Vernon
VW Service Vernon
Porsche Service Vernon

motorcycle service in vernon

Top-Notch Auto Service in Vernon

From day one at Partly Dave's Garage, we've made a promise to all our customers: to provide friendly, knowledgeable service and to take the time to explain everything to you thoroughly, so you stay in the loop, and can make an informed decision on what's best for you. It's a promise we've kept since 1982. There's nothing fancy here, just straightforward, effective, and efficient hard work. We pride ourselves in our reputation as the friendly neighbourhood shop everyone is welcome at, and we extend our welcome to you.

We've managed to keep up this reputation by putting an emphasis on providing excellent service to our clients. As car mechanics, our work include providing servicing and maintenance for vehicles, but what separates us from the competition is the quality of our client service. We know our customers want their vehicles back as soon as possible, because your vehicle is an extension of who you are. That's why we strive to get you back on the road quickly, so you won't have to miss out on any family outings or struggle to get to work. Life moves forward, and so will you in your newly repaired vehicle.

automobile service in vernon

My husband and I have been going to partly Dave’s garage for the past 7 yr. for service & maintenance on our Mercedes GLK. The team at Dave’s garage are awesome, very knowledgeable, and friendly but most importantly they are trust worthy.
Heather McNaughton
We were very happy, especially because everything was addressed in a timely manner, even when I asked for it to be moved even closer due to my schedule. I appreciate the sensitivity towards the request of the customer.
Alex Wambold
Very impressed with the service from Partly Daves! They went above and beyond to give us a great experience. They got us in the same week and got our SUV fixed as soon as possible.
Austin Hope

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